Society will have you believe that there are only cons when it comes to having small breasts. There are many advantages and disadvantages to having smaller breasts. Clothes can fit better because they are designed and sewn for average sized chests. You will not experience back pain from having to carry large breasts. Your bras will fit you better, and you’ll have more of a selection online and in stores.

Some men prefer small breasts, so there’s no reason you shouldn’t like them. Many women think that if their breasts do not have a specific size, they will not be able to be attractive to the opposite sex. Nothing could be further from the truth. Men have such varied tastes that there is no specific body shape that every man finds attractive. Some men don’t like large breasts and think that anything more than a handful is too much. This is the reason why breast reduction surgery is relatively common for women with very large breasts.

If you have small breasts in a small frame, it would look weird with large breasts. The most important thing to keep in mind is to be proportionate. If everything seems to go together on your body, then you will look very natural and you won’t have to worry about being attractive to men or getting any work done. Don’t fall into the trap that the grass is always greener on the other side. It’s about being happy and comfortable with the size you are and not paying too much attention to what other people have, or wishing for things that other people have because you feel like they have it better.

Some men prefer large breasts, so this is a potentially negative side of having small breasts. The prevailing theory is that the bigger the breasts the better, but it’s mostly a matter of trust. Don’t let your small breasts bother you unless they just don’t fit your body frame. If your breasts are smaller than the rest of your body, you may feel self-conscious and have a valid reason for wanting larger breasts than you have. This is not the case for most women, so be happy with what you have.

Truly, the only downsides to having small breasts are made up by the media and ingrained in your own mind. The attack hits music videos, magazines, movies, tabloids, Hollywood celebrities and more on a daily basis. There is so much hype and fuss about having large breasts that it institutionally creates a feeling that these are the only things worth fighting for. There is absolutely no downside to having a smaller chest, and any woman who wears what she has with confidence will turn heads, regardless of size.

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