After a breakup, you may be tempted to text your ex back. Some experts advise against this, while others have devoted entire courses to teaching you how to text to open up the idea of ​​getting back together with your ex.

So why is there such a discrepancy?

Texting to get your ex back is a fairly new idea. Many relationship advice has been around for hundreds or even thousands of years. But mobile phones and texting are relatively new technologies. Therefore, the tips on how to use them correctly to get your ex back have been a long time to develop.

The truth is, you CAN get your ex back using carefully crafted text messages. However, it’s also true that you can drive your ex away for good by texting the wrong kinds or texting too often.

Using text messages to get your ex back should be done in a systematic way that involves several different phases.

First, you need to break all contact with your ex for about a month. This means no texting, no calling, no hanging out, etc. You have to give your ex time to miss you and time to let him know how he feels about you in that moment.

Next, you need to gently open the lines of communication. This is where texts commonly referred to as “crossover” or “shot in the dark” texts are used.

The idea is simply to let your ex know that you are thinking about them and that you are okay with the breakup. You don’t pressure them to respond, but you want them to start thinking positive thoughts about you.

For example: “I couldn’t help but think of you last night during that incredible storm. I know how much you love walking in the rain. I hope you are doing very well.”

Next, you want to use various types of text messages that will plant positive thoughts and emotions in your ex’s mind and remind him of how close you used to be. These are commonly known as “best of relationship” and “intimacy boosting” texts.

For example: “Do you remember the first time you took me snowboarding and I spent the whole time falling down the hill on my butt? I remember how you would smile at me every time you helped me up. That was so much fun … even if I couldn’t sit down afterwards. “

Once you’ve made a connection again, there are also text messages to get your ex back that involve using your ex’s jealousy to your advantage and others that allow you to put your heart on the line and tell your ex how you really feel. .

It is important to note that you must use this type of text in the correct way and in the correct order. After all, reminding your ex how close you are or telling them your deepest feelings immediately after a breakup is probably not going to be a good strategy when using text messages to get your ex back.

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