The definition of integrity embodies the main characteristic of a leader. Too often in our society, people rise to a position of power and importance for which they are not prepared. You see this happening in all walks of life: in the business world, in politics, and in our day-to-day activities. How many times have you gone to a government center to deal with a problem and been frustrated by the inability of someone in charge to provide you with the information you requested? By not being interested in helping him access the information he needed, these people also failed to practice the definition of integrity.

You were frustrated that no one had the integrity to help you with your needs. Integrity is a characteristic that separates leaders from the rest of the pack. The definition of integrity, according to the Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedic College Dictionary, is

“Righteousness of character; honesty; the condition or quality of being intact or sound.”

With respect to people, the definition of integrity embodies leadership. The essence of leadership succinctly implies sound morals and the absence of corrupting influences. In today’s business world, there is a feeling among many that the most lacking trait in business is a lack of integrity.

You can turn your life around by making a change within yourself to practice the values โ€‹โ€‹of the person with integrity. These include, but are not limited to, commitment to obligations, honesty in all dealings, and fairness and equality in the treatment of employees under your direction. Once you’ve made that mental commitment to lead your life with integrity, you’ve taken the first step toward reclaiming your life. According to the definition of integrity, you will become the captain of your ship and the master of your own destiny. You will innately feel the power to make the changes necessary for you to find your greatest happiness.

You have only one life to live โ€“ you deserve the best life has to offer, and it starts with leading every aspect of your life with integrity. The definition of integrity contains the key element for your success. Did you know that the great leaders of our time have one quality in common, and it is completely included in the definition of integrity? One of the great heroes of World War II and presidents of our time, Dwight D. Eisenhower, believed: “The supreme quality for leadership is undoubtedly integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, whether on a football field, in an army, or in an office.”

The definition of integrity describes the qualities that you will need to cultivate within yourself. The warrior within you is waiting to be unleashed, and it is through integrity that we can accomplish our goals in ways that make us comfortable with ourselves and achieve the happiness that we seek.

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