The world is witnessing an incredible social phenomenon of historical importance taking place before our very eyes. While the events surrounding this massive change may not attract international attention, the impact will have long-lasting consequences. Thousands of adolescents on the autism spectrum are moving rapidly into adulthood, with much anticipation equally combined with uncertainty. Institutions such as universities, financial services, government agencies, and assisted living are beginning to take notice. Given the fact that millions of young people around the world are living with autism, addressing their long-term needs will take center stage in the coming years. While the transition to adulthood is not unique in itself, the sheer number of people on the autism spectrum, at this point in history, is remarkably distinctive. Unlike generations past, our world today is more accepting, open, and tolerant of people with disabilities of all kinds. Additionally, due to the broad spectrum of abilities found within the autism community, unique talents are often considered complementary in educational and work settings.

The maturation of the autistic community will have a significant impact on key areas of society as we move into the mid-21st century. That is, sectors such as healthcare, financial services, technology, and housing are foremost among the industries that will experience myriad changes. Employment is a major concern for adults on the spectrum looking to live, but future hiring trends will be tied to changes in technology more than we realize. Subsequently, technology is the central focal point for autistic people entering adulthood and the implications for later life are enormous. The link between the technology industry and the autism community is indeed strong, as evidenced by the support of some industry leaders. Research is currently underway to find solutions that improve the quality of life for people living with autism.

Tech giants Microsoft and Google are spearheading initiatives to identify ways to improve eye contact and socialization among autistic people, thus changing their life experience dramatically. Healthcare delivery will also undergo substantial changes as autistic adults enter the system without the protective umbrella of parental care. Additionally, the need for community-based healthcare will soon become a hot topic as people on the spectrum seek independent living options in assisted living, group homes, and assisted living. Surely there must be changes in the way medical care is provided to members of the autism community, as issues such as communication barriers, transportation, sensory deficits, and situational anxiety need to be addressed.

The remaining quadrants of the autism transition involve areas that are interrelated, but will be addressed as separate topics. The first involves the complex issue of financial planning for adults with special needs. As members of the autism population age, some will inherit earnings from trusts and retirement accounts established by parents. However, the future of many others is much more uncertain as funds dedicated to long-term financial security are simply not available. This is a great opportunity for the financial services industry to educate autistic families on the intricacies of money management.

The final piece of the puzzle involves housing for millions of adults on the autism spectrum as parents age and can no longer provide care at home. Siblings and other family members will assume the role of caregivers in many cases, but not always. As mentioned above, the assisted living industry is beginning to realize the potential of providing long-term housing for autistic adults from a business standpoint. The industry must collectively embrace technology and create an environment that improves the quality of life for autistic residents. Additionally, independent living options must address sensory and perceptual concerns to maximize the benefits of living life to its fullest potential.

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