Botox Jawline Slim

When it comes to achieving a jawline that is slimmer, many patients think that they will need to visit a plastic surgeon for an invasive procedure. Luckily, that is not the case as there are non-invasive alternatives to surgical fat removal to slim and contour the face. Dermal fillers containing Hyaluronic acid can be used to create crisp, chiseled angles in just the right places for a more masculine or symmetrical jawline. This type of face shaping does not involve shaving the neck or removing muscle, and instead relies on the facial muscles to change their tension levels.

In addition to erasing fine lines and wrinkles, Botox is also very effective in relaxing the masseter muscles. These muscles are found on the back of the jaw and are involved in chewing and clenching. They can often cause a square shape to the face when over-engaged. By using small doses of Botulinum toxin to weaken these muscles, it is possible to slim the jawline and give the face a more narrow shape.

This is typically used by women who want to feminize their face shape and is usually accomplished with three injections on each side. This is a very low-risk treatment that does not come with any major side effects, though it is important to work with an experienced injector to minimize the risk of complications.

Can Botox Jawline Slim the Face?

While it is true that masseter Botox can help to slim the face, it is not as effective as surgical fat removal to contour the lower part of the face. This is because the jawline is not as reliant on fat to appear slim. Instead, the chin is more reliant on the position of the bone, the size and width of the cheekbones, and the overall length of the face.

A Botox Jawline can make a face look round or square, while a narrower jawline gives the face a heart- or oval-shaped appearance. For this reason, many people seek out a slim facial contour to frame their cheekbones and create a more defined jawline. While plastic surgery is an option to achieve a slimmer jawline, it is not without risk and can leave the face looking gaunt and skeletal with long-term results that may be harder to reverse.

Non-invasive treatments like jawline slimming with Botox offer an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. This treatment can be performed quickly and comfortably, with very little to no downtime. We usually recommend applying a topical numbing cream to the area before the injections, as this can significantly reduce discomfort. Once the masseter muscles are injected, the effect is gradual and can take up to eight weeks for the final outcome to be visible. Most patients will need to undergo this treatment every 3-6 months in order to retain the slimmer jawline and facial contour they have achieved. Visit us today to schedule your consultation with an expert injector who can guide you through the process and provide optimal care for your face.

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