Is this happening in your life?

* Think about the location of the toilets before going to a store.

* Go more than 8 times a day (important warning bell!)

* Wake up in the middle of the night to go more than 2-3 times (also called Nocturia)

* The sensation is so strong immediately that it is difficult for you to reach the bathroom.

* It is necessary to do it again within 15 minutes after the last time

* Do you refrain from going to places / events because you are not sure if you can do it?

You may have a condition that requires a doctor’s attention. Such as:

* Diabetes

* Enlarged prostate

* Urinary tract infection

* Interstitial cystitis

* Bladder cancer

* Overactive bladder syndrome

* Overactive bladder with fever

Before considering using a home remedy for this problem, seek the advice of your doctor to determine that it is not a serious matter that requires medical attention:

Some minor causes could be too much liquid, coffee drinks, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, carbonated drinks (I admit, 2 out of 4 of these are my biggest downsides and definitely a heavy load!) Citrus fruits and diuretics

As I tried to reduce and balance my fluid intake to no avail, I turned to some of these remedies:

Pomegranate paste – Pomegranate skins work very well for frequent urination. It is said to reduce the heat of the bladder. Make a fine paste with the skin of the pomegranate and take a couple of pinches of the skin with a few drops of water twice a day. Do this for 5 days.

Sesame seed – Sesame seed is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Mix some sesame seeds with Organic Jaggery (Indian Sweetener – Healthy Raw Healthy Brown Sugar) and consume twice daily.

Boiled spinach – Boiled spinach can give you great relief and fill you up with nutrition. Eat it daily to reduce nighttime urination. Add coconut water for best results.

Apple cider vinegar – I initially added this to my diet this week for hot flashes (just as aggravating as frequent urination!). I mixed it with a little raw honey and a little water and I haven’t seen much of an effect on my hot flashes, but I have seen a definite reduction in my runs to the bathroom! Night trips decreased from 5 or 6 times to 2. Daytime runs to the bathroom definitely decreased, but being at work and being extremely busy didn’t allow me to count. It was a definite change and I was able to do my job for a change! I imagine that apple cider vinegar is less nutritious than the rest of the remedies, but I am always focusing on getting my minerals and vitamins with other foods and drinks that do not concern me too much. On the other hand, apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which has a strong antimicrobial effect, so it can be used to heal wounds, clean, nail fungus, warts, and some other medical concerns. It has also been shown in studies to lower blood sugar.

Exercise has been recommended to help control the bladder, including Kegel exercises and yoga that have been shown to be effective in strengthening the muscles around the bladder. On the other hand, weight training did not show an improvement in bladder strength.

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