Let’s get straight to the point. You want to know how to get a girl’s phone number. Maybe there’s even a particular beauty you’ve had your eye on for a while but don’t want to mess it up, or maybe you just want to approach random women at the mall or supermarket. Trust me, I struggled with what to say to a woman in the initial approach for years, but getting her number can be the easiest part when she knows what to do. My life first changed in that way when I stumbled upon the advice of the great David DeAngelo.

In this article I am going to tell you about such a powerful technique that has allowed me to get so many numbers from girls that I could never call most of them.

Before I tell you the technique, you must first understand that getting a phone number is not necessarily as good as it seems. Even if you get a girl’s phone number, it might not do you any good if you don’t know the right way to communicate and create an instant attraction with her. In fact, there are cheats that are much more powerful than the topic of the article, and I’ll tell you how you can get some of them a little later.

There are two goals to keep in mind when trying to get a girl’s phone number.

One of them is that you have to appear different from the many guys who come up to her all the time. The other is that you should make it as comfortable as possible. Men can be very threatening and creepy to women, so for her to give you her personal information makes her feel comfortable. This is not as difficult as you might think.

The first step is to approach women very calmly, calmly and serenely. Nervousness repels women like garlic. If you have trust issues with women, be sure to check out the resource at the end of my article.

Once you’ve zoomed in, start the conversation by knowingly looking around and making a joke about something she’s doing or something around her. Again, if you need help knowing exactly what to say when approaching a woman, I’ll give it to you at the end of the article, but for now I want to stick to the topic at hand.

Try to keep the conversation going for a few minutes, tell him you have to go. Letting her know that you have something to do is very important, because it sets you apart from most guys who will stick with a girl like they’re glued to her and force her to be the one to end the conversation. If you finish it first, she’ll be left wondering about you for the rest of the day.

As you prepare to leave, tell her it was nice meeting her and then, almost as an afterthought, turn around and very calmly ask her if she has email.

I know it’s their phone number you want, not just email, but trust me, this works, period.

Everyone has email these days, and almost everyone is very comfortable giving it. That’s where psychology comes into play. Give him the pen to write his email (bonus tip: buy a really cool pen that will get his attention and start more conversation) and as he writes it, ask him to write his number too.

This works instantly about 8 times out of 10, because a woman who is already giving you her email will not hesitate to include her phone number as well. If she had asked for her phone number from the beginning, she would have felt less comfortable giving it to you.

If it doesn’t work instantly, then just reassure her that it will be fine, because it will only call her 30000 times (this is a joke and will put her at ease). Usually she will give it to you without another second of hesitation.

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