Have you ever wondered why romantic love letters are such a great way to articulate emotions? Basically, through these lyrics, a person can say what he cannot verbalize through actual spoken words. With romantic letters written, you are able to express what you really feel, without hesitating with the precise words you want to say, without censoring yourself or dealing with nervous emotions.

the common problem

Inhibitions and fear are often obstacles to expressing what we really feel. It often gets in the way of expressing to a person the admiration, attention and affection that is due to him. That is why we fail to try to maintain an exciting and lasting relationship. Sometimes the wrong words come out of our mouths, which are usually perceived in the wrong way.

The best way to overcome this reality is through romantic love letters. It doesn’t really matter if it’s handwritten or typed; however, based on my experience, I have found that handwritten letters are powerfully effective in achieving the intended goal.

However, these days, there are so many “presentation” possibilities. The main point is that through written words, you have more success and freedom to convey what you really feel.

Things You Don’t Have To Deal With When Using Romance Words

There are so many advantages to writing love letters, instead of saying romantic things out loud. Here are some things you don’t have to deal with when using romance cards to express and articulate emotions:

1. Shame

If you’re having a hard time finding the right things to say when you’re in person, writing these letters can protect you from any impending embarrassment. However, since this type of letter is a great means of expression and makes a lasting statement, the likelihood of this happening is unlikely.

2. Stuttering, stumbling and not knowing what to say

When we get nervous, we often stutter, stumble, and many times forget what we planned to say. This translates into an uncomfortable situation, which makes future attempts to say what we feel difficult. These traits result in a failed relationship or one that cannot be started. No one wants to be lonely and alone, but due to such unfortunate insecurities, it’s a common norm.

3. rejection in person

Romantic love letters protect you from the possibility of being rejected in person. You can communicate your intent in a letter and request that the subsequent response be given in person, by phone, by email, or by reply letter. Isn’t it better to just get a rejection letter than to experience it in person?

It is easier to receive and treat him this way (it prevents his feeling from being crushed). The chance of this ever happening is slim when articulated through written words vs. spoken directly.

These are things you can prevent from happening when you choose to express yourself in writing – just a few of the reasons why a love letter is a great medium for articulating emotions.

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