Many believe that our public officials today are often more focused on addressing their personal/political agenda and/or self-interest than serving the best interests of their constituents and the nation! The constant and apparent dysfunction and failure to address the real national priorities and needs, etc., contributes significantly to the low esteem that politicians often seem to hold. Common sense indicates that certain issues should transcend politics and partisan behavior, but unfortunately there is very little of that, apparently, in our elected officials! This article will therefore attempt, briefly, to consider, examine, review and discuss 6 specific things/areas, which should be our national priorities, and address them sooner rather than later!

1. Health care: Shouldn’t access to affordable health care, regardless of personal finances, be a right rather than a mere privilege? How can we be proud of our nation when/if we are one of the only nations in the world where ability to pay determines quality of care, etc.? What does our current approach say about us, especially in terms of justice, compassion, and genuine humanity?

two. A fair tax system: Supposedly, this nation claims that we have a progressive tax system, in which the richest are supposed to pay more taxes than those who may be worse off economically/financially. While this has not been the case for decades, the so-called tax reform, passed and enacted in 2017, clearly benefited the richest over others! How can we allow some of the wealthiest people in this nation, as well as the largest corporations, to pay less in taxes than ordinary working people, etc.?

3. Human rights: We believe that many of us, our Founding Fathers, envisioned a nation that emphasized human rights and other essential freedoms! Although they were imperfect and flawed human beings, like everyone else, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights were basically based on providing guaranteed freedoms and rights.

Four. Protect all rights (non-selective): We cannot choose, and choose, which rights to protect and which to pay less attention to! When, we hear, some claim their interpretations of the 2nd Amendment, but ignore the 1st Amendment, etc., this selective approach harms our nation, etc.! Deny, systemic racism, exists, it is not done, go away!

5. Climate and Environment: Those who deny the existence of potentially dangerous and worsening conditions due to Climate Change, damage to quality of life, etc., for future generations! Shouldn’t it be the duty and responsibility of every generation to turn around a sustainable planet, etc.? Don’t we need to demand environmental protections to at least protect our air quality and water supplies (clean air and water)?

6. Affordable and quality education: The cost of acquiring a quality college education continues to rise and this, the opportunity to provide an affordable quality education for all, is undermined!

Wake up, America, and demand more of your elected officials and hold them to these standards! Will you become a more responsible voter?

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