Learning the art of seducing a woman is sometimes hard work. First of all, you have to know what you’re doing and then you have to work hard at it, but the good thing is that once you have it, you never lose it. So take notes guys. Here is an amazing secret that you can use to learn how to seduce a woman without uttering a single word.

But before you start, one of the most important things to know is that the biggest attraction trait you can have is something called “social status.” If you really want women to fall for you, it is imperative that you learn how to create a perception of social status.

Now pay close attention here are two killer methods you can use to make sure you have a sense of social status…

How to be a master of “silent” seduction – Seduce without saying a word

1. “Learn to be the Alpha Male of the Group” – The main thing to focus on here is to learn how to be the center of attention in any crowd.

Women love a man who can command attention. They like men who give orders not take them. It gives you the feeling of being a leader rather than a follower, women will flock to you.

2. “Master at creating social proof” – Start by surrounding yourself with a group of women as much as possible. When you are often seen with a large group of women, this will make a woman subconsciously think that this means you should be good with women. Naturally, she will also want to be around you, and after all, that is what you really want.

So now that you have these two killer methods in your seduction arsenal, you need to overfeed them and take them to the next level. Once you perfect things, you will constantly find women falling at your feet without a word from you.

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