If you work full time and / or have family obligations, you probably don’t have the time or energy to gain muscle mass. You may have the muscle mass routines that tell you how to gain or gain weight, however they are written by (and probably for) those who can make weight lifting the number one priority in their lives. Many bodybuilders simply eat, exercise, sleep, and relax most days; And that doesn’t even take into account all the supplements they take!

So how can you gain and gain weight if you have work and family commitments?

First, decide your goals. If you are thin or fragile, then your first goal is to get bigger and stronger. You will do this by lifting weights, eating properly, and learning how to recover properly. Working 40 hours a week (or more), commuting, going to family events, and taking care of your family will add approximately 80 hours a week of “stress” that most bodybuilders cannot bear.

Second, find out where you are already exercising. Do you walk or bike to work? Do you work several hours in the garden each weekend? Shovel your driveway and older neighbors’ driveways during the winter? Do you play sports with your children? Count the hours you spend exercising and remember that you are exercising your muscles during those times.

Third, assuming you are doing some type of exercise during the week, keep in mind that in order for you to gain weight and gain weight, you need to add the right type and amount of weight training. This means that you should choose muscle mass routines that stimulate growth, but allow you enough time to recover and eventually build new muscles.

Fourth, you must eat properly. Assuming you have your doctor’s permission to bulk up, add healthy foods that are “calorie dense.” High-calorie foods include nuts, seeds, healthy fats like fish oil and olive oil, meat, and other similar foods. Of course, drink plenty of clean water and stay away from sweets and candies for a while. Yes, you can gain volume with candy … but this is not how you want to get fat!

A good place to start your bulking nutrition plan is to eat at least 15-16 times your body weight in calories. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, 15 times your body weight would be 2,250 calories. Talk to your doctor about this estimate and be sure to make any nutritional adjustments for allergies, diabetes, or any other medical problems.

Once you’ve got everything in place, you’ll want to focus on just one thing: consistency. It’s easy to get excited once you know how to bulk up; But after the tenth day your enthusiasm may wane. Get supportive friends, join online forums, get a coach or personal trainer, or find some other way to keep your motivation high and keep you on track. Do everything you can to turn these steps into habits.

Finally, have an “exit strategy.” For example, if you are 5’6 “and 150 pounds, you probably want your realistic muscle goal to be no more than 10% of your current body weight. If you gain too much weight, it is most likely not muscle. Your metabolism could change dramatically and you may have new health problems Always consult your doctor about your ultimate goals to stay healthy, which should be your number one priority.

Have fun and remember to lift weights wisely now that you have learned how to gain and gain weight.

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