People with type 2 diabetes and unstable or poor blood sugar control are prone to various levels of nerve damage, or neuropathy. How does this appear…usually as numbness, tingling and loss of sensation, particularly in the hands and feet? Sometimes you have no touch or temperature perception on the soles of your feet, and walking can be a test. Or even ongoing pain and discomfort in your lower legs that you find difficult to get rid of.

The conventional way of treating the various associated diabetic conditions, including peripheral neuropathy, is with drugs. Sometimes certain medications worsen the diabetic condition, leading to more intensive drug therapy. If you’ve never taken supplements before, the idea of ​​taking them may seem strange to you. You can even equate supplements with drugs, but they are not.

Nutritional supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, phytonutrients or plant nutrients, or substances found in your body’s metabolic pathways. As you already know, vitamins and minerals are substances that your body needs to survive.

The body does not need herbs, but they have been used for thousands of years to correct disorders in the body, even serious illnesses. Phytonutrients are some of the ingredients found in herbs and plants that work to reverse certain health conditions.

Peripheral neuropathy is a diabetic complication when the hands and feet become very difficult to feel. They fall asleep. When this happens, you know that the nerves are not being fed properly. They need the extra nutrients so they can function as they should. That’s when supplements can make a big difference.

Five supplements that can help you overcome peripheral neuropathy are:

1. B vitamins: The B vitamins, including biotin, choline, inositol, and thiamine, work together to fuel and nourish nerve impulse transmissions.

2. Lecithin: Lecithin is made from soybeans which contain phospholipids. Phospholipids are important in the entire structure of the membrane, especially in the production of the myelin sheath and the protection of nerves.

3. Alpha-lipoic acid: Alpha lipoic acid has been used for a long time in Europe for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Research indicates that this powerful antioxidant blocks the enzyme that causes inflammation and protects the nerves.

4. L-arginine: This amino acid increases circulation and can help in cases where muscle strength has decreased.

5. Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA): Diabetics often have difficulty converting dietary fats into GLA… Supplemental GLA has been found to be an effective therapy for peripheral neuropathy.

No supplement will completely cure you of peripheral neuropathy, but any relief from the pain and tingling of this common diabetic complication can make all the difference. In addition to considering taking supplements for peripheral neuropathy, it’s also important to prevent further damage from high blood sugar.

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