Have you ever heard things like …

  • The younger generation has no work ethic …
  • Top management is out of touch …
  • ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿What AND) “

If you work with people, you’ve probably heard them and more. For the first time in history, we have four different generations in our workplace; some experts even say there are five. We have always had two, and sometimes three, but not four. And this creates an interesting and challenging dilemma for us: how the heck can we have some very different perspectives and experiences, while still staying focused and committed to a common vision?

As with any challenge, the answer is not easy, but it is worth discovering. The first step is to understand the current reality. Who are these generations currently working in our market?

Different experts and authors call them by different names, and there are several variations, but the characteristics are basically the same. I relate better to the “Four Generations” model, so characterized by Thom Ranier and Gary McIntosh, which are:

Builders – born between 1910 and 1945

Boomers – born between 1946 and 1964

Busters – (aka Gen X) – born between 1965 and 1984

Bridgers – (aka Gen Y) – born between 1984 and 2002

Each generation brings its own perspectives, experiences, and value systems, and each should be understood and celebrated for what they bring. The challenge arises, obviously, when what one generation contributes is very different from another, and neither can understand, much less value, the other. Let’s take a brief look at each one.

Tea Builders they are those who are 63 years of age or older, which is why it is currently the smallest category. These are the traditionalists, who value work and commitment, loyalty to a cause and a company. “Whatever it takes” can be heard as their motto, and they will do just that to get the job done. However, builders like things to be as they have always been; what worked for them will work for others. They are not enthusiastic about technology and it may take some time to see it as an advantage, much less a necessity.

Tea Boomers (more commonly called Baby Boomers), are those born in the years after World War II. It is often said that there are two ‘waves’ of boomers, and the characteristics of each wave differ somewhat. But generally speaking, this is the generation that is committed to getting ahead, to giving their children a better life than they had. They were raised by parents who lived through the Depression, who were often in short supply and saved to have anything. Boomers believe that with hard work, education, and long hours they can move up the career ladder, and this is important to them. They have an “I can do it” perspective and work hard to overcome obstacles. However, they tend to accept change only if it benefits them personally, not necessarily “the whole.” They can be perceived as rebels and a generation that stretches the rules. Currently, this is the generation with the most power, now between 44 and 62 years old. This puts them in the category of being in senior leadership positions. So it’s an important note that many businesses and organizations today are primarily run by Boomers.

Tea Busters It is the generation in which analysts are most in disagreement regarding their age range, but currently it would be in the range of 24-43. Busters are very relationship oriented, and nurturing and protecting important relationships will take precedence over most other things. That is much more important to them than production or carrying out an important task, for example. However, they don’t always hold corporate leaders in high regard, especially if they make decisions that don’t seem to value people.

And the Bridgers They would be those who are currently less than 24 years old in the workplace, that is, those who have just left university, are still in university or are not going to university. This group has fully grown in the computer age; They are your most tech savvy group. Information is always at your fingertips with your vast knowledge of the Internet. However, because of this, they haven’t needed to do a lot of planning or figure things out on their own, and are used to being constantly recipients of electronic stimuli of some kind, so their ability to work silently and alone is limited.

And that? How can this knowledge of the characteristics of the generations help you as the leader of all of them?

FirstWhat is offered here is a small amount of information about each one, and much more is available from many sources. Leaders of multigenerational staff must become deeply informed about the values, strengths, and weaknesses of each generation. Know what each one needs, how they define the work, how they plan for the future, etc. Read what others write; contact me for more information and training on the topic or, more importantly, ask key questions of each generation in your workplace and compare their responses.

SecondIt is important for leaders to know that the boomers are about to make a mass exodus. By 2018, 60% of our current leadership will have disappeared. Therefore, it is critical that intentional succession planning takes place and that current leaders learn to participate in knowledge transfer and management strategies, which is much more than writing a procedures manual.

Third, recognize that there are similarities in each generation, that is, none of us really like change, especially when we do not choose it; the element of trust is essential regardless of the generation; everyone wants to be treated with respect and everyone wants to feel important to the bigger picture.

FourPersonalize your leadership style as you begin to understand the differences in the generations you oversee. For example, builders prefer the one-on-one personal touch; Boomers like rewards and recognition; Hunters need constructive feedback; Builders benefit from mentoring relationships. Tailor your approach to each of them to ‘speak the same language’. Take advantage of the strengths of each generation and minimize the weaknesses.

AND fifthDon’t promote conformity by trying to put all generations in the same box. Ask yourself these questions: “Are the people who are the best fit today the people who will help the organization survive tomorrow?” “What will the organization of tomorrow need?” “How can we, as leaders, make sure we prepare for tomorrow?” The answers to those questions will give you a great roadmap on how to capitalize on and celebrate multiple generations in your workplace.

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