Welcome to our article on what foods make your breasts bigger. Unfortunately, many women are unhappy with the size of their breasts. In these fast moving times, women appear in movies and magazines with huge breasts, some with breasts of perfect size and shape. This adds more pressure to those who feel inadequate in that department. This leads to loss of self-esteem and low self-confidence.

Proper diet and eating habits can help increase breast size safely and naturally. Food alone won’t add a huge amount of size, but when combined with the right supplements it can definitely help. So what foods make your breasts bigger?

Fruits and vegetables

Eating raw vegetables and fruits can support muscle growth and strengthen muscles at the same time. There is a cell-protecting element in these foods that can help prevent cancer when women are trying to increase breast size. Choose red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, blackberries, and strawberries that can help breast growth in a healthy way. They can help improve the shape and appearance of your bust.

Protein-enriched foods

When exploring which foods increase the size of your breasts, it is important to understand the need for protein-enriched foods. Basically, lean protein is a have to. Research has revealed that lean protein increases the effects of breast enhancement supplements. This also lowers testosterone in women, which is known to stifle breast growth.


Certain healthy grains are essential just like protein, they help lower testosterone and promote the growth process.

Estrogen-enriched foods

For a higher intake of estrogen in milk, tofu and soy beans are vital. Estrogen is a female hormone that is essential for the breasts to grow larger and larger.


Don’t think that means eating all kinds of fats, not all of them. As your breasts are mostly made up of fat, monounsaturated fats are very essential and healthy, and can greatly help the process of breast growth and shape. The best sources of monounsaturated fats can be found in nuts, olive oil, avocado oil, sesame seeds, and oily fish like herring.

herbal supplements

Phytoestrogens are substances found only in certain natural herbs, these herbal supplements are important when trying to increase breast cup size naturally. Herbs that contain high levels of phytoestrogens include fenugreek, saw palmetto, dong quai, flaxseed, and wild yam. These herbs originate from distant lands like the Asian subcontinent. Again, all of these herbs increase estrogen, the essential hormone in women.

Estrogen increase equals breast size increase and cup size remodeling. These herbs have been researched by top herbalists and have been found to be highly effective in helping to increase breast size. There are certain natural creams and tablets available without a prescription that contain all of these herbs.

There are certain foods that are best avoided

Caffeine can be counterproductive. It is best to stay away from chocolate, soft drinks, and tea as well. Drinks and foods that contain high levels of caffeine can negate the positive effects of using herbal supplements. They tend to carry high levels of impurities and speed up metabolism.

We hope we have answered the question about what foods make your breasts bigger. The best solution is to stick with healthy foods and herbal supplements as mentioned in this article. This combination is the safest method to increase the size and shape of your small breasts naturally.

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